Monday, June 22, 2009

My favourite part of VBTS

I guess my favourite part of "Village by the sea" is the ending. Not suprising since its a happy ending and everything turned out great. There wasn't anything much to like about the other parts of the story due to the fact that most of it was about the problems Hari and Lila faced.

At the end of the book, Hari managed to earn some money during his time in Bombay and learnt that we have to adapt to the changes in the world around us. He decided to set up a poultry farm and help others mend watches as plenty of people are coming to Thul once the factory is built. With the help of the De Silvas, their mother was sent to the hospital and recovered from her illness. Their father also turned over a new leaf.So, it was a happy ending and my favourite part of the book.


  1. Loo Li Yang 1A216
    Hey! It's my favorite part too! A happy ending is always a favorite ending for me!

  2. Same as me, hi-5! Happy endings are always sweet to hear.
